Kinky Sex May Or May Not Be Involved...

So I just went to see Juno with Giggles and a couple other people from work. Excellent movie. Jason Bateman is pretty much extremely hot. But I had the biggest Diet Pepsi EVER and not only did I have to piss like a racehorse once I got home... I'm pretty much gonna be awake until the end of time. And that doesn't work well with my shift starting at 9 tomorrow morning, and me heading off to Cracktown with a packed weekend ahead of me right afterwards.

Capital City Guy last night finally decided to respond to the message I sent him on Facebook when I asked him for the 411 as to what our plans together were. And he was kind of an ass about it. But I was nice about it, I wasn't bitchy about it, I just told him I really needed to know because I needed to tell the Little Chickita when to expect me and stuff and last night was really the last chance we were going to have to discuss details. So I could have done without him being an asshole about that.

And he was all like "Uh... you have my phone number, right?" In response to me waiting for a reply from him on Facebook or MSN. And it's like... yeah, I have your phone number but I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay 25 cents a minute to call your ass long distance when I know you're at the computer at that moment, playing WoW and will periodically check Facebook.

God, I can be bitchy sometimes. Like... sometimes I think I want to be in an actual relationship. But other times I really realize that I would be the world's worst girlfriend, and everything my boyfriend did would just drive me up the wall.

Wow, I have way too much caffeine in my system right now. I need to recapture this tomorrow night, though. I'm thinking tomorrow night after I get to Cracktown and when I'm waiting for Capital City Guy, I will go buy myself a Rockstar... my energy drink of choice. Even though it tastes like ass. And I will down the thing. Or I could go to the liquor store, which is conveniently located right next to the bus depot, and pick up one of those Rockstars with vodka in it. Best of both worlds.

Work today was okay, I guess. I got a lot done. I even opted out of taking my second break cuz I was just like "I want to get this shit processed and out so that it's not still haunting me tomorrow." And I did it. And my supervisor came by near the end of my shift and was like "Whoa. You got that stuff out fast." But then she was also kind of bitchy about some other things. And a bigwig was in the store today, which never ceases to put management in a tizzy. And never ceases to piss me off, because I have no respect for bigwigs. They don't know how stores actually work, and they can't seem to wrap their heads around why everything isn't perfect all the time. Asshole is paid lord knows how much money to sit in an office 90% of the time, and come into stores and bitch about everything the other 10%. I hope every bigwig on the planet dies a fiery death.

I kinda actually almost feel drunk right now. But it's just the massive doses of caffeine. But it is producing a drunk-like feeling. It's a bit bizarre.

So... yeah. One more day of work to get through, and I'm off for my weekend of Cracktown fun. My supervisor's birthday is tomorrow and, unlike me, she actually gets the day off, so I won't have to worry about her in my hair. Hopefully tomorrow I won't have a shitload of stock to deal with, so I can work on cleaning up my department, which has been sadly neglected this week just because I haven't had time. My plan for Cracktown is going out with Capital City Guy tomorrow night, spending Saturday morning with the Little Chickita before she goes to work... I'll then likely get a ride with her to where she works, because Mouth lives near there. I'm then gonna spend the afternoon/early evening with Mouth... the Little Chickita is off work at 9, so then I'll probably hang out with her some more. Then Sunday same thing... hang out with LC till work, then I'll likely meet up with my parents... I convinced them that them picking me up and spending an afternoon in Cracktown would be fun. And... yep.

Okay, this has gotten long, enough of me. I'll write on Sunday most likely, after I get back home, to tell you about my weekend.

2008-03-06 at 9:06 p.m.