Velly Velly Intellesting...

So... yes. Very successful date last night. Very successful.

So we met up for coffee, then took a bit of a walk... grabbed some beer for said walk... drinking in public is slightly illegal but hey, nothing like breaking the law together on your first date. So we talked and stuff then we drove out to this really pretty area by the water where I'd never been before... then we went to his place for a while... then he brought me home.

And Emu was a lady and didn't give it up on the first date. However, that being said, things did get somewhat heated after we got to his place. And we got close and stuff. But... yeah.

But he's a cool guy... we have a lot of the same tastes in stuff... like when we were talking we brought up some OBSCURE stuff that we like and a lot of it, the other liked too. It was a little weird. But good.

The last thing he said to me on MSN before we went to go meet was "Um... so I should tell you those pictures of me aren't the most recent, and I've put on some weight since then..." And, yeah, he's a chunky boy. But pfft, Emu ain't shallow. But he was all shy and hesitant to bring it up, it was kinda cute.

So we're probably doing something tonight too. We will see, we will see. I might want to take a nap first, though. I didn't get home until 3 this morning, didn't get to sleep until close to 4, then was up at 8:30. That's, um... not enough sleep.

My parents and I went to Heroin River today because... well, I don't know why. Something to do, I guess. We seem to go to Heroin River a lot. Well, it's a nice place.

My throat really hurts. I think I'm getting a cold. Wouldn't be surprising because practically everyone at work is sick, and my mom is too.

Yeah, I think I might try to catch a nap now.

2008-02-10 at 3:11 p.m.