Discussions Are Both Good And Bad...

Oh, my weekend. It was... interesting.

Well, it was uninteresting in the sense that for the most part it was exactly like every other weekend I've gone to Capital City. I get there, we feel lazy, we just hang out at his apartment drinking, eating, watching movies/TV on DVD, playing video games, sleeping, and engaging in hot hot sex.

But we had, like, an incredibly indepth and emotional discussion about "us" after one particular hot romp in the sack and... yeah, it wasn't good. I was, like, thisclose to just walking out at 2 in the morning. How he's totally committed to being sexually exclusive with me (which kinda throws the polyamory thing out the window... yeah, for once during a discussion about "us", that word never came up) but how he's not over his ex-girlfriend at all (which I totally knew, but this is the first time he's ever come out and said it) and... yeah.

He was all like "I noticed you changed your relationship status on Facebook to 'It's Complicated' and you know I'd do the same thing if it weren't for the fact that I'm pretty sure my ex Facebook stalks me and her seeing that would probably send her over the edge again." His ex being suicidal is something I already knew but did anyone else immediately pick up on what else he said there too? Like, um... it's only compicated because of his whole ex thing. If it wasn't for her, I'd like to think that he'd choose "In a relationship" as opposed to "It's complicated". The only things that makes this complicated are her and the fact that he's still in love with her. The distance is not going to make this complicated. I'm going to make sure of that. I mean, I won't be in Nutty McShitville forever... and when I move it's either gonna be to the Big City, which is closer, or actually to Capital City... I dunno, this whole conversation was just way way emotional, I can't even fully explain it.

Then he asked me to tell him how I felt and by this time I was kind of upset by what he'd said that I basically just blurted out "Well, I think this is fucked up, and I had been so convinced for a while that you weren't like every other guy I've been with, who's just kinda used me for sex without really caring about me, but now I'm not so sure" and he all felt really bad, explaining that he does really care about me and all this, then I started to feel bad for not being more sympathetic, so I was just like "I guess I just can't fully understand because I've never been in a relationship like you two had..." Then the whole thing ended when we just eventually talked ourselves to sleep.

He is trying really hard to prove to me, though, that he's a good guy and he really cares about me and... I appreciate that. I haven't really experienced that before, as loyal readers will know. I had moments with Squinty and Four Night Stand Guy that were like that but for the most part... Capital City Guy is the first man who's really made the effort to make me feel good about things. I mean, clearly, he's brought me down too, but I fully appreciate how he's being honest with me.

Anyways, enough of that crap. Um... so we watched Ali G Indahouse, which was such a funny movie, and Knocked Up, which was alright. And we finished watching the first season of Arrested Development on DVD, which we started last time I was down there. And he recently got Guitar Hero so I had to play that. Capital City Guy actually plays guitar, so he's naturally really good at that game whereas I suck. I've played it before, but last night playing it was the first time that I ever successfully made it through a song. I was actually kind of proud of myself. It was Even Flow by Pearl Jam, by the way. Then he had to go and play the same song on Expert after I just barely passed it on Easy and... yeah, he's a damn show off. Haha.

Anyways... gonna head off to bed now.

2008-01-27 at 11:34 p.m.