Technology, Eh? Hot Damn.

So I started the new job today. It seems like it's going to be pretty sweet but at the same time, it seems like it's gonna be a complete pain in the ass and will frustrate me to the point of insanity. It's the same chain of stores that I've worked at before, and the same position that I've worked at at a different store, so other than having to learn a couple new things, I basically know what I'm doing. The frustration is more because it's Christmas and they're expecting me to do, like, 10,000 different things at once. Today was ridiculous.

I'm sure I'll like it or whatever. I like doing that kind of thing if people just leave me the fuck alone. But I know that won't happen much. And, of course... it's the same store my mom works at. So I have a feeling I will forever be known as "[my mom's] daughter" to a lot of my co-workers.

Guess who unblocked me on MSN? 345 Guy. I knew he'd cave. So we talked for a little while there, then he got the honour of being the first person to call me at my new phone number. Apparently he's still all kinds of mad at me for lying to him about my relationship with Capital City Guy, but he's just like... I dunno, addicted to me or something, I guess. Or at least addicted to my ability to talk dirty to him when he wants me to. He's supposed to be on MSN tonight sometime... I'm tired as hell, but I really wanna wait up for him.

Yeah, it's not even 8pm, and I'm dead. Both my parents are asleep already. Well, my mom went to bed because she gets up at, like, 3:30 every morning. And my dad is asleep because... well, I dunno, because he's an old man and that's what old men do best.

I only just realized that there is a phone in my bedroom. Ha. Yeah, all these things I appear to have now that I didn't have before when I lived here... internet access, a phone, A HEATER (I love that heater... this bedroom has always been 20 degrees colder than the rest of the house)... life is good. Makes up for the fact that my cell phone seems to be having issues ever since I changed its phone number. It's, like... slow as hell. I sent text messages to a bunch of people telling them my new phone number, and only one person seems to have gotten it. And it doesn't seem to want to send picture messages, because I was trying to e-mail myself the pictures I took at the Christmas party last night on my phone and it just wasn't happening. I know back in the day with my old cell phone when I lived here, I couldn't even get a signal down in my room. And if I did, I'd lose it while I was in the middle of a call. At least I do seem to get a signal here, or at least it didn't cut out while I was on the phone with 345 Guy last night but... yeah. Everything else is wonky.

Oh well. LANDLINE! LANDLINE! I might be able to change my rate plan to something less expensive now. Especially since, holy crap, there's a phone in this bedroom! There wasn't one when I lived here before because the phone jack didn't work. But now... well wait, lemme see if there's a dial tone... maybe it's just there for decoration... nope, it appears to be fully functioning. How about them apples?

Wow, I'm so tired. I'll give 345 Guy a bit more time then... well, then I may just go to bed ridiculously early.

2007-12-10 at 7:42 p.m.