You'd Be Surprised At How The Hardest Part Of Writing An Entry Is Thinking Up A Witty Title...

Yay for a day when I don't venture out of my apartment at all. Not even to go downstairs and check my non-existant mail. Not even to go out to the dumpster and drop off all this garbage that is mounting up. I did not leave my confines at all today. Which is probably why I'm going insane right now, but whatever.

Today consisted entirely of sleeping, eating leftover pizza, packing, and hanging out on the internet. The boxes are starting to mount up quite nicely now. Oh, and I also cancelled my cable and hydro, changed my address with Smelus, and arranged mail forwarding. I found out you can do that online, I was stokified. 40 bucks, though, for 6 months of mail forwarding... seems ridiculous. Goddamn Canada Post. Especially since the only things I'm expecting will have to be forwarded to me are a couple T4s.

I had to call Smelus because the MySmelusMobility website sucks balls. I used to be able to do everything on that site... I've changed my address, my phone number, my rate plan, added features, deleted features... it was great. But now the site does nothing but suck balls, like I said. So I had to call them. But that's okay, since I have a soft spot in my heart for cell phone service provider call centre employees. Since I used to one myself. They're like a well-oiled machine of a species. So scripted. Makes me smile. Only thing was it occurred to me later that I could have just changed my address when I change my phone number on Sunday. Ha. Oh well.

Still need to cancel my tenants insurance and change my address with the credit card people. Tomorrow's projects. Oh, and I guess I need to change my address with the bank as well. Gosh, there's probably other things I'm forgetting too. Well, my clown college, that keeps insisting on sending me propaganda every once in a while. I miiiight not bother with them, though. And luckily, I never got around to changing my address with Student Loans, so I don't have to worry about that. Still my parents' address that they have.

I think I'm supposed to be going out with Thing 1 tomorrow night but, surprise surprise, I don't really want to. First of all... money. Secondly... I work the next day. Thirdly... eh, I'm already sick of Thing 1 again. I already spent over 50 bucks on pizza and booze last night, and I know she doesn't have any money... I don't feel like buying booze for her ungrateful ass again.

Know what I'm looking forward to after I move to Nutty McShitville? The trips to Cracktown and Capital City that I'm planning to make whenever I get a weekend off. Because I'll be all like "Oh my god! I'M IN A CITY!" It'll be exciting. I'm so stoked to go to Capital City, where Capital City Guy will welcome me with open arms. I'll definitely be making a trip there in the very near future, hopefully before the end of the year. And... yeah. I'll be able to save enough money living in my parents basement that I'll actually be able to have a good time when I make these trips. I'm happy.

Well, I'm tired. Imma gonna go to bed now.

2007-12-03 at 11:30 p.m.