Crackbook Crackbook Crackbook

So the interview today went well. I was uncharacteristically eloquent. If it weren't for the fact that the chick interviewing me said she was interviewing people for this one position all day today and all day tomorrow, I'd feel pretty good about my chances. However, with that many people... at least 50% of them are bound to be more qualified than me. But, you know... whatevs. It would be great hours and great pay and I'd jump at the opportunity, but at the same time it sounds way lame and it's kind of awkward for me to get to so... file this one under me being able to take it or leave it.

Hung out with Thing 1 this afternoon. Good times, good times. It was going to be our last chance for us to hang out just the two of us before she moves away. We talked about men and sex and we drank a lot... it's what we do best. She also showed me the pictures she took last weekend... she had just gotten a new digital camera and it kicks my ass all over the place, and she had taken a bunch of pictures of her and me and Curly Sue and Guy last weekend at the bar... aw man, there were some good ones in there. Some "Holy shit, I don't remember that at all!" ones in there. I tried to e-mail some of them to myself, but Hotmail was being a bastard. Then I tried to just upload them straight onto Facebook, but Facebook was being a bastard as well.

But, hey, Thing 1 FINALLY joined Facebook. Well, I've been telling her forever that she's the only person on the planet not on there, and that it really is the most efficient way to keep in touch with people. But she, much like every time she has seen me fool around on Facebook, was all like "It's so weird! It's just weird, I don't like it." So I dunno if she's gonna stick with it.

Speaking of Facebook, I recently befriended this boy from my class in grade 5 and... he is apparently now the Hottie McHotterson to end all Hottie McHottersons. Holy god. It amazes me how that happens. I've also found this other girl I knew in grade 5... I haven't added her, not sure if I will, but... she was a chubby little plain thing in grade 5 but now... she's a spitting image of Fergie. I was like "Whoa". It's crazy how people change man. Although apparently everyone's opinion is that I look exactly the same, just slightly older. Someone posted my grade 5 class picture on a group on Facebook, that's how I came to discover these people, and... yeah, I have the exact same hairstyle now as I did then. I even still own the shirt I was wearing in that picture. If I were to put that on right now... hell, I would be my grade 5 class picture. For reals. It's just bizarre. And a little bit wrong.

Oh, in this book I'm reading right now, there's this character... a very minor insignificant character, he's only in, like, 1 paragraph... just important enough that they mention his full name. And you know what? And you know what? It's Squinty's name. First and last. I was like "Whoa." And I stared at it forever. I mean... I guess it's not all that shocking... Squinty's name isn't exactly John Smith, but it's still relatively common. But man. It's just more proof that the world is just not going to let me get over that guy.

And by the way, I'd shit myself if I ever found a character in a book or movie with the exact same name as me. That would be weeeeeeeird. But then again, it's a possibility because I don't exactly have the most unusual name either.

And on that note, I'm outta here.

2007-10-25 at 8:17 p.m.