I Live In A Garbage Can...

I cooked! I cooked! This is unheard of for me. But, yeah, I cooked up some pasta and most of a jar of mushroom tomato sauce... added 2 cans of tuna and some spinach... and voila. I know that may not sound like much to some of you, but this is seriously a huge accomplishment for me. Be proud. And I have enough leftovers for 4 meals! Crikey.

Um... so I've made a sort of decision. I've decided I'm going to start looking for jobs in Cracktown and Nutty McShitville. If I happen to get a job in either of those places, I'm going to take it as a sign that the Big City just wasn't meant to be at this moment in my life. Because, yeah, a huge part of me really wants to stay in Cracktown, and a small part of me would like to move back to Nutty McShitville, so there you go. I dunno how much luck I'll have with this quest, but it's my new project.

Not that I have much in the way of spare time lately to do such a thing, but whateva.

I need to watch The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants, because Mouth lent it to me quite a while ago and I still haven't gotten around to it. I dunno why she lent it to me, it seems way too squeaky clean and family-friendly for my taste. But, whatever. I'll watch it, I'll give it back, and I'll maybe be a better person afterwards.

Curly Sue is all stoked about going out this weekend, and she wants me to come. I don't know why. She's going to be dragging me yet again to that bar I hate on a Saturday night when it's going to be wall to wall friggin' people. And that's just no fun. At least there's supposed to be a good band playing, the band that was on the last time I went there with Thing 1. And oh what a night that was. But, yeah, at least it was a wicked band playing. They covered everything from Rammstein to Duran Duran that night, and I was very impressed... as I sucked back the 17,000 Creamsicles random creepy men were buying me. Oh... oh, what a night. I never even went into much detail about what went on that night, because I was just so mortified about what went on after I got home, but... yeah. It was a crazy crazy damn night at the bar.

And, yeah, me thinks I'm going to cease with the making out with random guys at the bar, though. Free drinks or no free drinks. Emu needs some dignity back. Although it sometimes does turn into something with a bit of potential, like with Squinty here. But for the most part it just makes me trashy. And Emu no likey being trashy. Emu is classy dame.

I'm so stoked about my leftovers. I think that's great. Anyways, I'm outta here.

2007-07-19 at 6:36 p.m.