And I Think Jesus Prefers MSN As Well

I am in a state of mind that is just beyond bad. Beeeeeeyonnnnnd. Ugh. Things need to get better for me before I end up killing someone. Today there were a few close calls in that department.

Angry Girl called me after I was off work and... yeah, I know I need to change my rate plan and I probably will very soon but for the time being... if it's a weekday DO NOT CALL ME UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY. She was just going on about absolutely nothing, and I only have 50 weekday minutes a month so after about 15 minutes of her saying fuck all of importance, I was just like "You know what? I don't have enough minutes for this. Call me back after 9." and I hung up. Go me. Yeah, could I possibly have sounded like much more of a bitch to one of the few people who has actually been really fantastic to me lately? But, you know... I love Angry Girl, she is just annoying as fuck when she calls you for no reason. I am not one of those people who enjoys talking on the phone when there's nothing to say. Especially when it's between the hours of 7am and 9pm, Monday to Friday.

Thing 2. THING 2! WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH HER, WHY DOES SHE ALWAYS WANT TO HANG OUT?!?!?! I do not have any tolerance for people. I want people to leave me alone.

Mouth. MOUTH! WHY DID MOUTH JUST CALL ME JUST NOW!?!?!? God invented MSN so that people wouldn't have to call me! I did not answer the phone, right now it would have to be Jesus Christ himself calling me before I'd answer that thing. However, we were talking on MSN earlier today and... she called our district manager to complain about our store manager. I'm ecstatic. I've been wanting to do this for so long, because something needs to be done about that woman. And, yeah, apparently that manager is going to be in some serious shit tomorrow. She's a nice person, and I know she took it hard and it looked really bad on her when one of her assistant managers was fired for stealing, but she herself is a ridiculously bad store manager and just should not be doing such a thing for a living.

That guy from Saturday night and I have been texting eachother a bit. Today while I was on my break I decided I should text him and ask if he was on MSN or Facebook because, really, those are the two forms of communication that piss me off the least. He said he didn't have MSN, however he has Facebook but "neglects" it. He better stop neglecting it and add me as a friend on there because... well, okay, I won't lie to you... I don't really remember what he looks like. Facebook is a fantastic way of refreshing my memory as to the appearance of a particular individual. He also asked me if I wanted to come over to the Big City this weekend... I told him I'd be over there sometime soon anyway looking for an apartment, and that he should come over here instead this weekend. Because Cracktown, you know, is a party town. Why wouldn't someone from the Big City want to come over here two weekends in a row to experience the nightlife? It's good for a laugh, at the very least.

God bless the so-called "gay bar" in this town, though, because I keep meeting so many guys there. Straight guys. You wouldn't think this, but it actually is the best bar in town to find a guy. I mean, this guy now, Bam, Herpes Guy, that guy I fucked in the alley (which isn't really an alley, I discovered, when I looked at it again while sober, but I really don't know what you'd call it...), and many other random guys that I ended up having some fun with. It's kinda insane.

Anyways... I'm off to be overwhelmingly irritable elsewhere. Perhaps in the shower. See you later.

2007-07-04 at 7:25 p.m.