There Is Something Exciting About Leaving Everything Behind...

I got off work an hour and a half early because the store was so dead. I'm feeling pretty happy about this. So now I'm home when I should still be at work, and I'm eating my fourth piece of bread with cheese melted on it... life is good.

So last night just after I wrote my entry, I got a phone call from Thing 1: "Wanna come over for a drink?" Emu cannot say no to such an offer. But, of course, we are not capable of having just one drink... we ended up polishing off a bottle of wine and most if not all of a bottle of Malibu. It was good times. Then we were going to try and catch a bus so that we could go get Thing 1 some more cigarettes... where she lives and the time of day it was, there were 3 buses just boom boom boom that would have taken us to where we were wanting to go. We were drunk and stupid enough to miss all three. The first one was because we were on the wrong side of the road, the second because we didn't get to the stop in time and the bus didn't stop when we tried to wave it down, and the third while we were walking back to her house and were like "Shit, if we had known and had been walking faster, we could have caught that one!" Goooood times.

I spent the night at her house because I was too tired to walk home, and then we spent most of the morning/early afternoon together as well. I went with her to Starbucks and to her doctor's appointment and to the mall... I was going to go with her to her tattoo consulting appointment, but she decided she was just too lazy to walk to the tattoo place, so we went out for lunch instead. Pina Coladas and chicken! Lunch of champions.

Then, yeah. Work and shit. Uh... Former Possible Roommate literally stormed out of work today. This is both impressive, because I'd never have the balls to do such a thing, and unimpressive because her last day was tomorrow anyway and she already has another job. So... yeah. But it's yet more proof of how screwed up things are at work, when people are doing things like that.

And... oh, here's some pretty big news. I'm almost entirely convinced I'm going to be moving with Thing 1 in August to the Big City. I've just been having epiphanies all over the place and... well, she's moving there in August anyway because she's going to be going to school, and I'm in a rut bigger than... well, I don't know what it's bigger than. It's a pretty damn big rut, though. And, you know, I was just planning on using Cracktown as a stepping stone anyhoo on my way to bigger and better things. And I did say that after a year of Cracktown-ness if I wasn't totally satisfied with how things were going, I was going to move on. And, yeah, that 1 year anniversary has come and gone and I'm literally working at a job that I could have stayed in Nutty McShitville to do. That's not why I moved to Cracktown. I moved to Cracktown so that I could have a real job. I do not have a real job. I could more easily get a real job in the Big City. And Thing 1 really wants me to move with her. I figure this is as good of an opportunity as any, it would make a move we both have to make an easier one if we do it together. So, yeah, I'm going to discuss this with my mom but I'm almost completely certain that I need to do something, get out of Cracktown, and try to make something of my life. And this is one way to do it.

2007-06-07 at 8:16 p.m.