Cheese Please!

So. I ended up getting invited over for a threesome last night with Former Possible Roommate and her girlfriend and when I graciously declined, they just made out for me on FPR's webcam. Yeah. Pretty much every straight guy wishes they were me, but I just don't really understand. I mean... I guess I was the one who kinda pursuaded Former Possible Roommate to give it a go with this girl when she showed an interest. She was all like "But I'm not a lesbian!" and I was all like "Yeah, but if you're curious and you like her, then go for it!" And apparently the two of them, now that they're together, think my involvement calls for a threesome. And, just... no. Just no.

I'm really going through an "I love men!" phase right now anyway.

Um... I ended up getting in shit today at work for taking a brief break to talk to Former Possible Roommate's girlfriend when she was in the store today. Fucking semi-management person... ugh. Seriously. I mean... I get my work done, I bust my ass 90% of the time... give me a goddamn break. I was so mad.

I hung out with Angry Girl for a little while after work because we were both off at the same time. We wandered around the mall with this guy she ran into that she knew... we ended up stopping for a while near the store where Bam's mom works, where she proceeded to stare at me to the point of me being uncomfortable, then we stopped near Bam's store where he did the same... a family of starers they appear to be. But then when we got closer to Bam's store I was gonna say hi or something but then, all of a sudden, he was on the phone. Ha. Isn't Emu's life interesting?

Oh, and here's something funny. I was chatting with Mouth last night about that guy from Friday and how I was thinking about calling him, and she went off on this whole "You two should go and see a movie, then you can also talk and get to know each other and it will be really sweet." I just laughed. LOLed all over the place, if you prefer. Because, yeah, I can't say that "Going to see a movie" really tops my list of things I want to do with this guy. But bless Mouth's little heart for being such a pure sweet little Christian girl. I dig that.

Emu needs to devote her thoughts to something else.

Oh! I consumed, I swear, 10,000 calories after I got home. Most of them were from cheese. Just CRAVING cheese. Usually it's chocolate after a particularly bullshit-filled day but today... cheese. Well, luckily I had some. I don't happen to have any chocolate, so that worked out well.

2007-06-06 at 6:11 p.m.