
Ugh. I wanna doooooooooooo something. I'm bored.

So. Yeah. I had the day off today. I went to the Not So Good Mall to piss around for a while. I was going to go to the Smelus Mobility place there, but every time I walked by it was busy... which is hilarious because every other time I've been to that mall the people working there looked bored out of their minds. Ha. So, anyways, took that as a sign that my current cell phone deserves at least a few more days of life.

Then later on I went downtown where I was walking around like a reeeetard because of those DAMN SHOES. If it weren't for the fact that I love them so much, I would declare them a failure on my part. Because, yeah... they KILL. But yeah, good times downtown other than that. Nice day today. And it was nice to get honked and waved at by someone I actually know as opposed to the creepy-assed people who are usually doing that to me. CREEPY ASSED PEOPLE! Although that happened today too.

Haha. Angry Girl just joined Facebook and she's trying to get me to explain it to her over MSN because she doesn't get it. Ha. Good thing she's pretty because... yeah.

My cat is now an outdoor cat. My mom just informed me of this. I guess so far he hasn't decided to leave the backyard at all, which is just fine by me. I hope it stays that way.

Management called me today to change my shift for tomorrow. I guess it's slightly better now but... meh.

I feel sick. I clearly have a cold and I clearly do not know why. I've just been sniffing and sneezing and coughing and sounding a little funny today. Makes life fun.

I WANNA DO SOMETHING! I don't know why, but I really do. Despite feeling really sick and tired and having sore feet.

Ha. You know, that's not bad... I only have to work two days, then I get another day off. That's pretty snazzy. Then next week I only work 4 days total because I was given the option of whether or not I wanted to work Victoria Day, and I chose sanity over money. I'm sure I'll regret that later, because working a stat definitely makes a huge difference on the paycheque. But whatever.

2007-05-14 at 6:35 p.m.