Do You Like Food? Cuz I Like Food.

So when was the last time I wrote an entry in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep? It's been a while, me thinks. So here we go.

I'm munching away on my last chocolate bar right now. Me having chocolate in my possession is just a bad idea all over the place. It's just way too hard for me to resist. I was going to try and cut back on all this junk this week so that I feel less bad when I indulge in massive amounts of junk next week, but that just didn't happen.

I ended up having cold pizza yesterday at work for lunch because there was some left over from the big bowling/pizza party that happened on Sunday that I kind of forgot about and oh my god, I love cold pizza. I swear, it's better than hot fresh pizza. I just want more cold pizza right now. If I had money I'd get a pizza delivered and stick it right in the fridge, go back to bed and dream my little dreams of cold pizza, then when I wake up later indulge in it. Oh GOD, yes.

I only work 4 and a half hours today, but I have a feeling that they're going to call me in early because there's literally a mountain of stuff waiting for me to do. Unless someone else does it. Which is unlikely. They damn well better give me that full time position for being not only willing but wanting to do this shit. Speaking of which, management took me aside yesterday looking all serious and I just about had a heart attack because yesterday was the deadline for applying for that full-time position and I thought for sure by the way she looked that she was going to tell me I didn't get it. But instead, she just told me that they're going to wait until next week to decide because they're posting another full-time position that needs to be filled, which I'm apparently welcome to apply for too. I don't want that one, though. I want this one. So I'm hoping anyone else who applied for this one will decide they want the other one more, so I have a better chance.

Although that semi-management person is still pretty damn convinced that it was mine long before it even came up. Well, whatever. We'll see.

I have an apartment inspection tomorrow. I don't know whether that's to check to make sure I don't have a grow op or a meth lab going on, or what the purpose is. Or maybe it's just to see if the many structural flaws in this place are getting worse. Or maybe it's just because they're mean bastards who are making me feel obligated to clean up this place when I really don't wanna. I dunno.

Back to bed I go. Whether or not I'll be able to sleep still remains to be seen, though.

2007-03-06 at 2:49 a.m.