I'm A Wannabe A Lot Of Things...

So, seriously, it pisses me off when the stats on here aren't working. To kind of a ridiculous level.

Anyways... something else that pisses me off? When management starts cancelling shifts. So unless something comes up, I'm no longer working on Wednesday. I'm both happy and sad about that. I mean, in a way, it makes me wish I had gone to work yesterday. But if you knew the mental state I was in, I think you'd agree with me that I really couldn't have gone to work. So... yeah. Well, whatever. It has pretty much gotten to the point where I'd rather be living in complete poverty than have to spend any more time than absolutely necessary at that place.

Thing 1 asked me today if I liked Valentines Day and when I said I definitely did not, she was like "I kinda thought so. You seem like the type who would hate it." I thought that was funny, for some reason. I most definitely do not like Valentines Day, though. I dislike all of these stupid little crappy "holidays" that don't mean anything... with the possible exception of St Patrick's Day. I mean, I'm part Irish, my favourite colour's green... how can I not like St Patrick's Day? However, with Valentine's Day... not a fan of romance and I'm trying to cut down on the amount of chocolate I consume, so it's just not good all over the place.

I can't remember if I've mentioned this already, but my parents are supposed to be coming down here on Saturday. I think this is good. They're going to be bringing me stuff. I think that is excellent.

I'm trying to decorate my apartment a bit because after almost a year of living here, I realized that I've done a very half-assed job. This place could look so much better. However, with my lack of funds, I'm somewhat limited. So yesterday afternoon I cut out various sizes of circles on blue paper and stuck them to a piece of wall. And I also added to this simple yet kick ass origami thing I put up a while ago. I think I may continue to add to it tonight. I should just keep adding to it until it stops being kick ass and starts being tacky. Then I'll take a picture and show y'all. And I might take a picture of my polka dot wall too, because it's just awesome all over the place. I'm such a little wannabe artist.

2007-02-12 at 6:49 p.m.