Yeah, I'll Have A Mocha Chocolate Vanilla Caramel Chai Latte With Soy Milk And Gold Dust Sprinkled On It

Ooh, I got a Christmas present in the mail today from Uncle Moneybags. It's a $25 Starbucks gift card. And I'm pretty sure 25 bucks only gets you about 1 coffee at Starbucks. You know... I never go there. Mainly because I don't drink coffee. But I guess I have a reason to go there now. Get one of their non-coffee items. Or those coffees that have so much extra shit in them that they don't even taste like coffee anymore. That would be okay too.

Well, wouldn't you know it? Today at work I had a customer from my old stomping grounds of St Hellbert! What are the odds? Oh, St Hellbert. Those were the days. That's where I lived before I moved to Nutty McShitville. 7 of the worst years of my life right there. But yet I was still all excited "Oh wow! I used to live there! I miss that place so much!" No I don't. But whatever. Goes to show you that it's a small world afterall.

By the way, St Hellbert... whitest city on the planet. I swear to God.

Work today was okay. That new management person pisses me off, though. I don't understand why she is necessary. I mean, really. Four managers? All constantly battling to become the supreme manager? Too much. Three was fine. Four is brutal. And she doesn't seem to really do anything either. I mean, to an even greater extent than the other ones don't really do anything.

Um... so my cat won't stop pissing on anything and everything, and I really have a hugely bad feeling that my parents are just going to get rid of him. My mom doesn't even want me to take him. When I first mentioned it she seemed okay with the idea but now she's not. She was telling me about it, he's just getting worse and worse and worse. I'm so mad at him. For the first 3 years of his life, he was fine. More than fine. Now this? If my parents give him away, it's his own damn fault. I love my cat dearly, but the amount of stuff he's ruined now is just insane.

Anyways... my back hurts. I think I need to go play some Tetris now.

2006-12-20 at 6:57 p.m.