I Kind Of Have That Sylvia Plath Thing Going On Too, Don't You Think?

I should be in bed right now. But I'm not. You know, the past week or so my body seems to have decided that it no longer needs or wants sleep. And it seems to be working okay... gives me more time to do stuff, and all that. But it's going to hit me sometime soon how much sleep I'm not getting, and it's not going to be good.

I was lured out this evening with promises of pitas and finally getting that goddamn Scissor Sisters CD back. I went so long without that CD, I was quite convinced on several occasions that I would die. And my Friendly Neighbourhood Book/CD Swapping Guy has lent me this book that apparently kind of sounds like the way I write in here. I'm more than a little intrigued. It's funny how people interpret the way I write... like I had one person tell me that I sound like Dane Cook which is a HUGE compliment, because I freakin' love that guy and I wish I could be a fraction of the amount of hilarious as him but... I'm not quite so sure if I really have the whole Dane Cook thing going on.

Also, it was somewhat pointed out to me that it's my youth and anger that make me an interesting writer. Needless to say, when I'm old and happy I will no longer be keeping a blog. Or if I do, no one will read it and it will be boring as hell. While it's never amusing to me at the time, when I read entries where I was particularly pissed off later on down the road, I always bust a gut laughing. They no longer exist in a form where I will allow other people to see them, but my entries from college are extremely amusing. I was so pissed all the time. Good times to read.

So I have four 8 and a half hour shifts ahead of me. All starting early. This is good, I guess. 8 and a half hour shifts are good for the bank account, and starting early is good for me, for the most part. I've had a few shifts now where I haven't started until 3 in the afternoon and good god, that just gives me way too much time before work. Too much time to sit here thinking and dreading.

Alright now, the tiredness is starting to set in... gotta get up in just a few short hours now for work anyway. Meh.

2006-12-17 at 11:09 p.m.