Where Are The Long Skinny Ones When You Need Them?

My burn wounds are awesome. I am quite fascinated by what they're doing. They're starting to get kind of dried up and hard and wrinkly now. I love touching them. That's basically all I did at work today, inbetween being irritated at how frickin' hard it was to do my job with all of those customers in the way. I've had so many people comment on them... "Wow, you really burnt yourself, eh? That must have hurt!" Oh yeah, but it was so worth it for the enjoyment I'm getting out of them now.

That one mark still looks like a heart. I look at it and I smile. I'll never be a hand model, though. My hands are so beat up. I still have a mark from one of the many times I've burnt myself on the toaster oven from several months ago, as well as the scar from the infamous "cut myself while opening a package of cheese with an unnecessarily sharp knife" incident from several years ago. My hands tell a story.

Anyways... I am beyond tired. I slept very little last night, as I have been most nights. I had lots of energy at work today, but as soon as I got off the exhaustion just hit me like a ton of bricks. It's bad. But yet guaranteed, if I tried to go to bed right now... nothing would happen.

The side of the bed that I don't sleep on is covered with stuff right now. Stuff I've used to amuse myself while not sleeping. A Sudoku book (with "Fuck this Sudoku shit" written on the page of every puzzle I've screwed up... which is most of them), a book of short stories by LM Montgomery that I'm currently reading (and they're all basically the same...), my old Game Boy Advance (which is renewing my Tetris addiction)... You know, a lot of times at work if I end up stacking boxes or something, I pretend that I'm playing a life sized game of Tetris. It's fun. Random thought, perhaps, but I thought I'd share.

I've always kind of believed in that line from Mary Poppins that goes "For every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap! The job's a game!" Aw man, it's true sometimes. Except when it's not. Because sometimes there's just no fun in anything.

I'm pretty sure none of this entry makes sense. I'm really tired. I need to go sleep now. And by "sleep", I mean "play Tetris".

2006-12-18 at 8:17 p.m.