Maybe This Time!

So I started the new job today. It was okay. I'm not feeling the huge amounts of dread and like I made a huge mistake like I did with that 3 day job I had, so I'm feeling good about that. Still really want to go on the record as saying that I'm not thrilled about this whole retail thing. But, again... this doesn't have to be permanent. And, knowing me... it won't be. However I have made myself swear that I will for sure for sure for sure keep this job until January, at the earliest. The only exceptions to that would be my death, the store burning down, or a better job offer. I will not quit another job this year. BECAUSE, and I'm starting to not even believe myself when I say this but... I'm not a quitter. I'm really not. Despite appearances.

Um... not real thrilled with the schedule I have for the next week. The hours are... well, not great. Like, there's not many of them. I realize that things will pick up as time goes by... taking on more responsibilities, getting closer to Christmas... blah blah blah. But... yeah. At the moment, this is not great. Well, in a way it's good... ease my way into it. But I'm tired of eating up my savings, I really want to be making enough money so that I don't have to do that anymore. I won't panic yet, though. I know things will pick up.

The bus schedules change on Sunday, "new and improved" or so they say... I had a quick look on the website, and I'm not impressed. How is that better? You know, ever since I went on the record as saying that the bus system here was good, it's done nothing but piss me off. I need more friends with cars. If you have a car, you're automatically my new friend. Please pick me up from work every day from now until forever.

I did a lot of cleaning yesterday. Aggravated my carpal tunnel again. Bah. So, yeah, that makes typing fun. Makes living fun just all around.

I had two people at my new place of employment today ask me which high school I go to. Ha. I fully realize that this is probably because I'm in the middle of a huge breakout right now, and that makes me look... oh, about 14. Most people actually think I'm older than I really am, under ideal conditions. So I know that when people start thinking I'm still in high school that the acne has gotten out of control, once again. Damn my skin anyway. Well, I think this is just a stress-related flair up. It'll clear up. Eventually.

Anyways... my mom will be logging onto MSN in a few minutes to hear about my exciting day. Then I gotta watch the news, eat, shower, sleep. Then I'm back there tomorrow morning. Oh yay.

2006-08-28 at 5:19 p.m.