I'm A Bouncer At The BK Lounge

Woooooooooo! I love Thursdays, baby!

I went downtown today, and I wanted to check out this mall I'd heard of that is sort of in the downtown area. I'm a big fan of malls, as you may know. And this place I had never seen before. Well, it's in a part of town that I've never had any reason to go to before. But I looked it up on the map, and it was only about a 10-15 minute walk from downtown, so I figured what the hell. Check it out. And... yeah. The term "mall", in this case, is used very loosely. It was basically a thrift store, a drug store, and a Subway. And that's pretty much it. It was sad as hell, but very cute.

And I was looking around the thrift store there, and I found the greatest thing. I didn't buy it, though. I probably should have. But hell, it'll probably be there the next time I go there, whenever that'll be. It was Rich Little's VCR Charades Game. I almost died. How frickin' obscure is that? And so 80s. I had no idea such a game even existed. And I have mad love for Rich Little. Aw man. I should have bought it.

Then I went to the library downtown which, like I've said before, is right next to the TV station and there always seems to be something weird going on there. Today there was a bathtub, decorated all pretty with pictures of their man whore all over it, and there was a cameraman capturing it from every angle. So then I went into the library, looked around, got caught up on the latest issue of People Magazine, and went back outside to find that cameraman still just videotaping the bathtub. Um... slow news day?

And of course, downtown always has more than its fair share of creepy. Today's winner? This crazy guy who came up to me and said "Hi, pretty girl. How's it going? I'll see you around." to which I responded "Uh... no..." But, hey, I only got asked for spare change once. And it's so funny how in a huge sea of people, it's often only me who the panhandlers come up to. Why is this?

But all I bought downtown was food. I ended up buying a muffin shortly after I got down there because I was starving (I've been pretty much entirely without groceries for almost a week now, because I'm too lazy to go buy any). Then I went to Wendy's for lunch. The downtown Wendy's is an absolute mecca for old people. Everytime I've gone there, I've been the youngest person in there by at least 50 years. Then I went to Dairy Queen for dessert. Good Blizzard-y times going on there. So, in just a few hours, I consumed more calories than I have during the rest of the week. Well, that's what Thursdays are for. Making up for lost calories.

Then, when I got back uptown again, I bought a couple of CDs. Bought the other Dane Cook CD, just because I'm crazy in love with that guy, and Matt Dusk. And I have no idea why I bought that, other than that he's got a hot voice and is kind of classy in that Frank Sinatra kind of way. I'm having another rich month. Money makes me go crazy.

2006-06-29 at 1:41 p.m.