Are You Thoroughly Sick Of Me Complaining About Work Yet?

Yogurt that has been fancified so much that it's barely even yogurt anymore is the hotness.

Anyways... hello. Work today was a living hell, but do I even have to say that anymore? It seems that's pretty much a given on any day. However, I did find out something. You know how I said yesterday that I was below average in quality? It's not so much that I'm below average... I'm just below what is considered adequate. And so is everyone else. So, because I still have speed in my favour, I'm all kick ass again. Or still. Whatever. It doesn't really matter, I could be top employee numero uno, and I'd still be pissed off and hating this job.

But, you know, I was thinking. I spend a lot of time thinking. About the only time I'm not thinking is when I'm at work, because my brain ends up completely shutting down to protect itself. Anyways... yeah, I hate this job. However, I love all of the non-job aspects of my job. You know what I mean? I mean... I hate the work itself with a fiery passion. But I love the early morning shift, the unconventional weekend, the full 40 paid hours a week, the benefits after 6 months, the regular raises, the potential of bonuses, the lack of dress code, and the central location. But you just know that they have all those things to keep people like me from just flat out quitting in disgust. If I were to leave for any other job, even if that job was a million times better than this, I'm pretty much guaranteed to have to give up some or all of those perks there.

And goddammit... that is why I stay. That is why I'll probably work there until I retire. Unless someone comes up to me and offers me my absolute dream job... oh, I'm not going anywhere. And damn me for being such a sucker for all of those things. Because the actual job part of this job really blows goats.

I'm hoping to go for a walk tonight. I had every intention of going last night but when I was watching the news and they said that it was still 25 degrees outside, I decided against it. And that's 25 celsius, as you know, which is about a bajillion farenheit, for my American friends. Something like that anyway. I'm not real good with farenheit. But I'm pretty sure it's a bajillion. Anyways... if it's under 20 degrees during the current temperatures on the news tonight, I'll go for a walk afterwards. I need the exercise. I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes when the only exercise I get is walking to and from work, because in my head that's not even exercise, because it's something I have to do. To be exercise it has to be voluntary. At least in my mind.

2006-06-13 at 3:07 p.m.