I'm Sure Somehow That's My Fault

So my first week of work is now over and done with. I guess, all things considered, it went pretty well. The fact that I'm already thinking about how I can use this as a stepping stone to something better probably isn't a great sign, though. But whatever.

My big thing yesterday was the fact that I made a group of people laugh... and it was totally unintentional. I'm not going to give you the background information and the context in which I said what I said, because it would take too long. But I actually said something in all seriousness... and it was interpretted as a joke. That's kind of sad, on my part. But I rebounded quickly, and laughed with everyone. And... yeah. That's my big story.

Then this morning I went out and blew over $60 on groceries and other various things. I ended up having to buy new concealer because as I was getting ready to go out this morning I accidently dropped my thing of concealer and the thing litterally exploded. I was so pissed off. What a mess. And I am vain enough that concealer is the one cosmetic item that I absolutely refuse to go out in public without. I am getting better, though, because my list of "this has to be on my face before I am willing to be seen" used to be a hell of a lot longer. The fact that I'm down to just the one thing is actually quite the personal triumph for me. Which, again, is so sad. What a sad little individual I am.

And, get this... I went out for a bike ride this morning! Finally got the courage. It was great. I mean... it was tiring, though. I've mentioned the hill situation in here before. There are some crazy hills in this town.

And, you know... my old "there's constantly news vans driving past me" thing seems to have followed me here. Three times in the past week. That even beats my best (worst?) streak during my days in Nutty McShitville. Not that I care, I just think it's a little weird.

Anyways... I guess that's all there is to say.

2006-03-25 at 12:53 p.m.