My Poor Finger

Hello! So, days 3 and 4 have gone well. I think I started to make more of a positive impression on people today. I guess it just takes some time. And, hell, once I'm really comfortable in this new job... well, there'll be no stopping me.

Yeah. Or something.

Although I think I've been kidding myself with all this "I've changed!" stuff. Last four days have proved that no, I haven't really. I've improved... but I'm still the same. I still have kind of a shitty attitude towards some things. But either I'll get over that, or I'll learn to live with it.

Someone actually referred to me as "decoration" earlier today. I was almost offended. Except not really. Because I think they meant it as a compliment. Even though I looked butch as hell today. I don't know what happened. I must have took my manly pill this morning.

I burned my finger fairly significantly this evening, while making supper. I put a little mini pizza in the toaster oven and while I was taking it out, my unprotected hand accidently touched the 450 degree baking sheet. Crikey. So I ate my little pizza with one hand while standing at the sink with my other hand under the cold running water. Then, you know, I doctored it up and all that, but it's still throbbing a little... I think that one might leave a mark.

You know, the last time I did something like that... the burn left a mark that litterally took years to fade. It was pretty fierce.

Yesterday I got a card in the mail from my mom. Just a "Congrats on starting your new job" card. But it was totally unexpected. It was pretty cool. And it was the first real piece of mail I've gotten here, with the exception of various junk mail, a bill, and some mail addressed to the person who lived here before me.

I like getting mail. If you want to mail me cards, letters, or cheques, please send them to:

666 Emu Avenue Apt #666
Cracktown, Canada

This week has gone by pretty quickly. I like being busy. It definitely helps the time go by.

2006-03-23 at 6:41 p.m.