Hey Man. How 'Bout Hookin' Me Up?


So, much like yesterday, I don't actually have anything witty or interesting to say. But, you know... this is more habit than anything a lot of days. And there's a lot worse habits I could have, and am quite frankly surprised that I don't. It's probably my Diaryland addiction that's keeping me from a lot of other bad vices. So I better stick with this.

Speaking of bad vices, I do believe I witnessed a drug deal today. Yay! My first one! My first one here, that is. And I'm surprised it took this long. Eh, but it's all good. As long as I just avoid all eye contact and keep walking at a brisk pace, it's fine.

So, yeah, I went out this morning. I bought Coke. And I'm referring to the beverage, by the way. Although I'm sure if I wanted some of that other coke, that guy I saw could have set me up. Actually, I'm lying when I say I bought Coke... it was, in reality, generic store brand cola. I'm trying to be as thrifty as possible. And I'm sure in a blind taste test that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between that and the real thing.

I still haven't washed those damn pots. Somedays it feels like all I do is wash dishes, and I just haven't been in the mood to add those into the mix. This is what my mother warned me about. Now I understand.

You know one thing I really haven't done much of since I moved? And this is hard to believe. I haven't watched much TV. All I've watched is the news, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report. Oh, and I was watching that stupid Deal Or No Deal show, just because I can't believe how stupid yet fascinating it is. But... yeah. I used to watch a whole lot more than this. But I suppose this isn't a bad thing. TV rots your brain like it's crack cocaine. At least that's what I learned.

This entry had a rather nice drug theme, didn't it?

2006-03-09 at 1:36 p.m.