I Freakin' HATE Not Having A Bed!!!

So I hung out with Capital City Guy last night... and apparently now he's thinking about buying a new bed instead of a new couch... but it's the same deal, he'd be willing to give me a futon. It would just be a different one, now. I prefer the one he's using as a couch to the one he's using as a bed but... hey. Only thing is it still means at least a week of sleeping on the floor and also it means trying to find a way to get it here and also possibly moving it again in a few months... so I said I'd think about it. But I've thought about it and... I want a real bed again. Air mattresses were not designed for you to be sleeping on every damn night.

But, yeah, I slept in what could be my future bed last night... he picked me up, I went grocery shopping with him... oh god, what an ordeal that was... and we watched Walk Hard together then went to bed. I didn't sleep very well and neither did he... he ended up leaving to go sleep in the living room at about 3... the only bad thing about that bed is, yeah, it's great when one person is sleeping in it but with two the mattress starts doing weird things and it's not as comfortable. But yeah, I didn't sleep well and I was FUCKED at work today... I made so many stupid mistakes that it wasn't even funny.

I haven't heard from Giggles at all since Saturday night, and I was just talking to Chuckles on MSN... sometimes I don't know whether to fully believe anything she says but she said that she heard that two Saturday nights ago, when Giggles was in Nutty McShitville and they and a group of people went out, after Chuckles left, Giggles started mouthing off about her calling her a whore and saying that no one would want to be her friend after she told them what a whore she is... and apparently she also climbed on top of her friend's car and pissed all over it. Sounds crazy enough to be true. Giggles lost her wallet on this night too but Chuckles found it in this guy's car and she's sending it back to her... and she told me that she wrote her a letter to go with it saying that she's done with her for good because of all this. I guess Giggles calling her a whore to everyone was the last straw. Although girls call eachother whores all the time. That's how Saturday night ended for Giggles and I, us calling eachother a whore. But... yeah. And I gotta say I wouldn't exactly be heartbroken if Giggles and I stopped being friends for a while. It would probably do both of us good. I also think maybe MAYBE the only way she'll wake up to how fucked she's become is if all her friends abandon her. Maybe.

Gah, Capital City Guy said something last night about letting me sleep at his place again tonight but it's after 9 now and he hasn't called. I don't really want to call him, but I really don't want to sleep on the floor tonight either. But if he hasn't called me by now, that probably means he had a bad day and wants to be alone. So... I dunno.

Today sucks.

2008-10-27 at 8:51 p.m.