Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Okay. So it hasn't been done yet and it may not be done for a little while... I feel like I should think about it for a few more days... even though I've already thought about it a lot... but I'm going to break up with Capital City Guy. It's just that same old thing... I feel there's more bad than good in our relationship. I feel like there's something I need that he's just not offering... either because he doesn't want to or he can't. Annnnnnnd... well, he just makes me cry too goddamn much. And I don't need that. Plus pretty much everyone I've told about him and some of the stuff that's happened says he sounds like a complete asshole.

The guy is just... I don't even know. The fact that he's actually spent as much time in relationships as he has is just mind-boggling. But then he also claims that every ex-girlfriend he has is a psycho. Makes me wonder if they were that way to start with, or if he turned them into that. He'll likely declare me psycho too. I'm pretty much thisclose to calling him right now and saying "Yeah, um... bye." I spent last night with him... and I was over there til about 11:30 this morning... and yeah, just the series of events and him reaffirming certain doubts I've already had... I finally left when I felt like I could no longer be there without crying. It's really not good that he makes me cry so much.

Oh I dunno I dunno I dunno I dunno. I just wish I wasn't so alone in this strange city. That's the main thing making me doubt myself right now. Well that and the sex. We have amazing sex. But the more I think about it, the more I realize those are two lame-assed reasons to stay with someone.

I'm waiting for my mom to come on MSN, then I'm gonna go out and pick up a couple things at the mall. And, see that's another thing... I really wanted my mom to meet Capital City Guy. I still do. Part of me wants to hold out for that. BUT AGAIN... laaaaame reason to stay with him. Super lame.

Giggles is coming to town tomorrow. She designated tomorrow as the day that we'll spend together, then Tuesday and Wednesday she'll be with her boyfriend. Only thing is, of course, I work til 4 tomorrow. And I dunno how ambitious I'll be tomorrow night for our typical funness when I gotta work at 8 again the next morning. But we'll see.

I spent a lot of last night playing guitar on Rock Band. Hey, I've graduated to medium now, for the most part... go me. And... yeah. That was fun, I guess. Sometimes I do really like that game. I wanna get a DS, then get that new Guitar Hero for it cuz I just think that's really really cool and I'm not sure why. But somehow it's 70 times cooler than Guitar Hero for the XBox. And... yeah. Probably none of this will happen for a while.

Ugggh. Anyways, enough of me. I'll let you know what happens re: the whole relationship situation. I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seats.

2008-07-06 at 2:23 p.m.