The Cracktown Bar Scene Is Still Better, Though

Wow. So last night was good times. I hit the bar with my co-worker who I will nickname Giggles and... yeah. She's a crazy drunk. Hilarious good times. We saw some people at the first bar we went to that she knew, so we sat with them... and there was a Bachelor/Bachelorette auction going on and I ended up bidding on a couple guys... didn't win either one, though. The first guy I just bid on because I felt sorry for him because no one else would start the bidding. But then I was like "Oh dear god, I hope someone outbids me" cuz I didn't actually want him... he seemed very weird. But luckily I didn't win that one. Then I bid on this guy who was probably at least 65 and I actually would have won that one, except he refused me because he said I was too young. Haha. Oh well.

Then guess who came. GUESS WHO CAME LAST NIGHT?! Four Night Stand Guy. Or, um, should I say... FIVE Night Stand Guy. He actually drove 2 hours to see me. I couldn't not show him a good time. I also bought him a beer. Just the one. Responsible adults we are. But... yeah. After the first bar, me, him, and Giggles went to 2 others... and him and I had sex in his truck outside of the third bar while Giggles was inside doing lord knows what. Then after the bar closed I went searching for Giggles so Five Night Stand Guy could drive her home but I couldn't find her and I sorta flipped out... I ended up calling Chuckles, her best friend and another co-worker, who didn't come out with us and I somehow expected her to be able to tell me where Giggles was. I don't know my reasoning behind that. Also when I called for some reason I just could not remember Giggles' name... I was just like racking my brain trying to think of it, and I sounded like a drunken idiot... good times, good times.

And yeah, I did get pretty drunk. So my theory of how beer doesn't get me drunk went flying out the window. I didn't get so drunk that I don't remember huge parts of the evening, though, so that's good. Some parts are a tiny bit hazy but for the most part, I remember everything.

It was actually pretty damn cool seeing Five Night Stand Guy again. We have chemistry, dangnabit. And maybe I had my beer goggles on last night but he looked so damn hot... I mean, he's a good looking guy... he typically qualifies more as kinda cute than hot though... but last night I was just like "Oh goddamn." And I said to him a couple times "I just can't believe you're here" and he was like "I can't believe you can't believe I'm here. Why wouldn't I come?" It was kinda nice. I hope he made it home last night okay... I haven't gotten any messages from him today. Well, he left here just after 2 this morning... had a 2 hour drive ahead of him... then had to be at work at 7:30 this morning. No doubt the guy is catching up on some sleep right now.

I was hungover as hell today. And I scraped my knee somehow. That is one part of the evening that I apparently can't remember at all. Giggles did the same thing... except way worse. It was both knees and they were all bloody and stuff. Mine was just some skin scraped off, no actual blood on there... still hurts like a son of a bitch, though. Had a shower this morning and it just KILLED.

So... yeah. I had fun last night. Good times, good times.

2008-02-15 at 9:31 p.m.