She's Got Electric Boots... A Mohair Suit... Something About A Pack Of Hyenas...

Wow, okay, so I'm still a tiny bit drunk from last night... good times and stuff.

Yeah, Thing 2's party last night... it started off way lame but then got better as the liquor consumption picked up. So it was Thing 2 and her boyfriend, Angry Girl and her boyfriend, and me. Fifth wheel, as always. First we went to her twin sister's birthday party... it was at this place downtown, and she had about 40 people there. She is apparently really really way more popular than Thing 2 is. Poor girl. Then the group of us went to a couple other bars then back to Thing 2's place and... yeah.

Aw man, I got wasted. That was the drunkest I've been in years, man. Large portions of last night are a bit hazy for me, however I do remember drinking about 27 beers (I apparently really like beer now...) among a few other girly type drinks. Angry Girl and I got our groove thing going out on the dance floor something fierce, which tells you exactly how drunk I was because I do not dance in public unless I am totally totally and completely gone.

Thing 2 and her boyfriend left for their place slightly before we did, so Angry Girl, her boyfriend and I took a cab and she and I were screaming at the top of our lungs along with the radio on the way. Then when we got to Thing 2's apartment building, she buzzed us in and we were standing in the lobby waiting for Angry Girl's boyfriend while he paid for the cab and when he came Angry Girl was trying to open the door for him but couldn't figure out how and I literally colapsed in a fit of laughter. I was just lying on the floor completely laughing my ass off at that. I thought it was pretty damn funny, apparently.

So then we got to her apartment things started to die down a bit... well, I was lying on the couch and Angry Girl and her boyfriend were having sex about 3 feet away from me... always a fun thing to experience. And at one point Thing 2's boyfriend joined me on the couch and there was a certain amount of inappropriateness but not enough that I'm going to worry about it too much now. So then we crashed out there, and a little later on I got up because I had to go to the bathroom... so I go in there and Thing 2 is passed out on the floor right infront of the toilet. But when you gotta go you gotta go, so I just stepped over her and took care of things while she was just lying dead there. Then I went back to the living room where Thing 2's boyfriend was now spread out and occupying the entire couch, so I fell asleep on the floor... moving back onto the couch the next time I woke up and saw that he was gone.

Then I left there at about quarter to 8 this morning... I was wide awake and everyone else was still passed out and I was getting pretty bored and hungry. So I walked over to McDonalds when I realized that I was still kinda drunk and stumbling over things a bit. Good times, man. Then after I got a McGriddle in my belly, I walked home. And here I am.

Now I need to shower, sober up a little more, and maybe get a bit more sleep because I work this afternoon. But, yeah, good times. Although I think I'm going to go back to being boring and uneventful for a little while now.

2007-03-26 at 8:53 a.m.