Because Toilets Are NOT Optional

Hahahaha. Guess what? And this isn't actually funny at all, but sometimes you gotta laugh at the things that aren't funny. But my toilet is non-functioning again. And I really don't know what's wrong with it this time. I discovered this at 4:30 this morning and as much as I may like to wake those bastard apartment managers of mine up that early, I decided to wait until I got home from work to call them. So I just left them a message... lord knows when/if they'll get back to me. I hate that toilet, man. That thing is nothing but trouble.

Work today sucked so bad. I don't want to talk about it. I hate everyone. At least today was the last day for a while that I'll have to walk to work. Tomorrow I actually start after the store opens, so there will be buses. Yay.

And then for a double yay, I'm going to get picked up after work in my parents' brand new car! They bought it last night. It's a standard. I will never ever understand how people can drive a standard, that's just one more thing to worry about while you're driving. I guess standards are cheaper, though. But... yeah. I'm excited to see this thing. And smell this thing. I love new car smell, I really do.

So, yeah, off to Nutty McShitville for the weekend. I'm happy. See the cats. Use a toilet that works. You know, that toilet in what used to be considered my bathroom at my parents' place... it's gotta be original to the house. It's that lovely avocado green colour. It's not properly secured to the floor, so it rocks when you sit on it. The thing looks like it's been through a war. However... never had a single problem with it ever. Never had to even plunge the thing. They just don't make toilets like they used to.

So, my plans for this evening? Besides perhaps having to venture out to use a public washroom, that is. Well... still gotta finish dealing with Lappy. I managed to get the most important mp3s off of there, and I said to hell with the rest because the process was just too painful. So now I just want to delete some things on there that I don't necessarily want my dad to see when he gets it. Then I gotta do dishes because I'm completely out of knives. This is funny. My dirty dishes consist of 3 glasses, 3 plates, and about 20 knives. I don't understand how I managed to use so many. Then I'll have to pack for tomorrow. And I'm hoping to actually be able to stay up past 8. Let's see if that happens.

2006-10-12 at 4:04 p.m.