You're Listening To The Emu: All Hits, All The Time!

Day 4 of 7. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Almost.

So, one of the radio stations in Nutty McShitville is advertising for a DJ. And anyone can apply. My parents are both thinking about applying, just for the hell of it. And my mom was like "You know... I think you should apply too." Ha. Well, I gotta admit, radio DJ is pretty much my dream job... along with rock star, news anchor, author, and a bunch of other occupations that will never happen for me because of their outlandishness. I'll look up this ad, though, and maybe I'll apply for it, just to see. I've got the face for radio! Uh... I mean, I've got the voice for radio.

Work yesterday was okay. I swear pretty much every customer was slightly more rude than usual, though. But I was slightly more bubbly than usual, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it. And management still pisses me off with how condescending and patronizing they are. I swear, that is the one thing that is going to make me happy to quit this job, whenever it is that I quit it. Management can really make or break a job. Like, this job... considering it's retail and I hate retail, it's a really good job. But management are a bunch of pricks. They must be stopped.

Like, I was thinking about it... if it weren't for the fact that Creepy Supervisor left, I probably wouldn't have quit my old job. Seriously. Things went so downhill so quickly after he quit. He just provided such a great environment, because he never pretended to be better than the rest of us. It was always a shitty job, but it became just so much shittier when he wasn't there. Yeah, I miss that guy.

I've discovered that chicken hot dog weiners really don't taste any different than beef ones. You know meat has been overly processed when you can't tell the difference between chicken and cow.

So I've been reading The Secret Mulroney Tapes. I got that out of the library last week, along with the Stephen Harper biography. I'm apparently all about the Conservatives lately, Progressive or not. I'm halfway through the Mulroney book... I love the way that guy talks. Like, he speaks very intelligently, but he throws a bunch of swear words in there too, just to add some colour. I respect that.

Enough of me for today.

2006-09-14 at 6:49 a.m.