Do You Use Pen Or A Hammer And Chisel To Write?

I've gotten such a huge increase in the way of spam lately, it's incredible. Why, I ask you? Why? And more often than not, the subject line asks me if I'm interested in a "r0|ex". Is that different than a "Rolex"? My guess is yes, it is. So my answer is no, I'm not.

So I applied at this place yesterday... my current goal, at the moment, is to apply at at least one place per day. That will likely increase later, as the panic sets in. Anyways... I had seen the ad for this job. Thought it sounded not too hideous. So I did up a resume and went into the place. Now the ad didn't actually say anything about needing computer skills, but I figure that's a given in this day and age, working in an office environment, so I always kind of build my resume and cover letter around that. Anyways, so I gave that to the person working there and they started looking at it and the first thing they said was "Oh. Well, we don't use computers here." So I looked around and there were, infact, no computers there. At all. What the hell kind of freaky business doesn't use computers?

They were testing all of the fire alarms and smoke detectors in my apartment building yesterday. Fun times right there. I was really hoping they'd do that while I was gone. But, no, they decided to wait until I came back home. How sweet of them.

I got a phone call last night at 9:45 from the Little Chickita. Of course, I was already in bed. I wasn't asleep but I was lying there and I thought if I answered it, she'd just want to hang out or something and I already said a few entries ago that if I'm already in sleep mode, that just ain't gonna happen. Plus she'd probably say something like "What?! But it's only quarter to 10!" Again, not really getting the fact that I tend to shut down long before then. So I let her leave a voice mail message, which I listened to right away, and yeah it was just her going "Hey! I'm bored. Wanna hang out? Call me later!" Yeah. She just doesn't get it.

But who does really "get" me, anyway? I don't even get me.

2006-07-27 at 7:18 a.m.