Is It Hot In Here, Or Is It Just Me?

So last night I decided to have a particularly hot shower, because sometimes you just want a shower that's so hot that it almost hurts. Or at least I do. Anyways, as soon as I opened the door after my steamy shower, the goddamn smoke detector, which is located directly outside of the bathroom door, started going off. First of all, what is it doing there? If I'm going to start a fire anywhere in this apartment, it's going to be in the kitchen. But, yeah, so I was doing everything in my power to make the thing shut up. Eventually it did stop. But I couldn't stop shaking for at least another half an hour after that.

Sometime this week I should go get my address changed on my drivers' licence and whatnot. My little learners licence that just has to be renewed in August anyway. By the way, I'm going for the world's record for the longest amount of time being in possession of a learners licence without ever bothering to take the road test to move onto greener (heh heh... no pun intended) pastures. I got my learners when I was 14 (different province, obviously... this one knows better than to give 14 year olds the power to drive) and now I'm almost 21 so... you do the math.

There's the occasional person who makes me feel bad about this whole thing, but for the most part I think I'm being quite brilliant. I mean, I have to renew my learners licence every two years, and each time I have to retake the rules of the road test. So I probably know more than people who have been driving for 50 years do. And also, this way, if I ever completely change my way of thinking and decide that I do want to drive (like if someone decided to give me a nice new car *wink wink*), it would be no problem at all to just go in and move up one more rung on the graduated licencing ladder. Whereas I'm pretty sure if I were to give up the learners licence altogether, I'd have to start over from square one were I ever to change my mind. But I've found, much more in this province than the last one I lived in, that a lot of people don't have a drivers licence. So maybe I'm not so weird afterall.

Which is a pity. I do so thrive on being weird.

What's my plan for today? Well, after I find out whether or not it's going to rain today (last night on the news they said it wouldn't, but things do change), there's this place that I want to see if I can walk to. Me thinks that it might be just a leetle bit out of my comfortable walking range, so I'll likely have to take the bus back. But I'm just curious to see how long it takes to get there on foot. I'm not going if it's raining, though. I was out walking in the wind and the rain yesterday, and it was not the least bit fun.

Enough of me. Ciao, my beauties.

2006-03-07 at 7:42 a.m.